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Kraftanlagen Energies & Services GmbH parted company with its subsidiary FINOW Rohrsysteme GmbH on 1 August 2022. The buyer and new shareholder Technoenergy AG, based in Switzerland, is interested in a long-term investment, and the general conditions mean good prospects for the future for all parties involved.

The purchase supports the strategic expansion of Technoenergy AG core businesses in order to provide a wider range of competitive solutions to end-users and EPC companies all over the world while guaranteeing further investments and development of FINOW’s operations.

The range of services offered by Technoenergy AG subsidiary companies includes the procurement, production and prefabrication of piping systems for power plants, for the petrochemical industry and for the oil and gas industry. In addition to manufacturing comparable to FINOW, the company also has extensive engineering capabilities.

Kraftanlagen CEO Alfons Weber: “FINOW has been part of the Kraftanlagen Group since 2007 and has stood for our Fabrication business unit ever since. We look back with pride on what we have achieved together in numerous projects and are convinced that with this new development we have found a sustainable solution for all concerned. We wish the company and its staff all the best for the future.”